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The impact that quagga mussels have on the Great Lakes food web gives deep meaning to the saying 'food for thought'

Lake scientists have long considered winter a season when aquatic activity slows. Most do their field studies at other times of the year.

The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite is the first satellite dedicated to observing nearly all the water on the earth’s surface.

What scientists are seeing in the Great Lakes Ice so far this winter

Audrey Huff: Invasive Mussels Complicate Water Quality Management

The Large Lakes Observatory celebrates World Water Day.

We recently sat down with Dr. Jay Austin, who researches physical limnology (the study of lakes) with a focus on Lake Superior ice cover and the impact of climate change.

Heavier precipitation in the Lake Superior watershed has raised water levels by 10 to 12 inches, said 

UMD researchers have identified factors that contribute to blooms on Lake Superior.