Mechanical & Industrial Engineering students, along with Civil Engineering students, team up with local businesses every year to work on sustainable energy solutions as part of the Duluth Shines program.
Helpful Resources for Current Students
We are passionate about helping students succeed. These are just a few resources we offer to our current students, but keep in mind there a lot of additional campus resources available.
Academic Flowcharts - There are a lot of options so we've developed these for students to reference when planning their course load.
Application to Upper Division - Because we offer a challenging curriculum, students must file for upper division to access the more advanced courses. Admission to the upper division is competitive and based upon an assessment of a student’s potential for success in the more advanced junior and senior level courses. A minimum GPA for 2.5 is required for upper division.
Students are welcome to apply for upper division during the semester in which they will complete the following classes:
- STAT 3411 Stats for engineering (3 credits)
- ME 2226 Dynamics (3 credits)
- EE 2006 Circuits (4 credits)
Registering for courses without the necessary prereqs (or upper division status) requires that you contact your advisor for assistance. If your advisor concurs, they will submit the request for you to the department for processing.
APAS report and your grades - Consulting these will be helpful for the application to upper division.
Meeting with your Advisor
It's important that you prepare for advising appointments and take time to plan your academic career.
Meeting with your advisor is easy, just sign up for an advising slot on the sheet outside your advisor’s door. Please be considerate and sign up at least one day in advance of your appointment so that your advisor can plan ahead.
When you come to your appointment, please be ready for the discussion:
- Know your intended graduation date.
- Download and print the flowchart applicable to your situation.
- Because courses may have changed, please print out both an old and a new flowchart.
- Put an X through the classes you have completed.
- Put a diagonal through the classes you are currently taking.
- Circle the classes you intend to take in the upcoming semester.
- Indicate the semester in which you plan to take the remaining classes by writing F or S for fall or spring semester, and the last two digits of the year.
- Review the potential courses you need in your liberal education course requirements.
- Print out a copy of your unofficial transcript to show your grades to your advisor.
Technology Needs
UMD students are required to own a laptop computer. However, desktop computers are available to students in labs at several locations on campus.
At a minimum, you will need a wireless connection, MS Office software (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), and web browsers.
UMD Computer store can help you select a computer that works best within the campus network.
ITSS and the Computer Store can also help provide software at a substantial academic discount.
Swenson College technology page has more details on technology needs
Calculators are also needed and any scientific/engineering calculator will suffice.
Study Abroad
Many of our students have taken advantage of UMD's Study Abroad programs to visit Australia, China, England, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Spain, and Sweden (just to name a few). Check it out if you're interested!
Popular Campus Resources
Tutoring Center on the second floor of the library can help you with many subjects
Writer's Workshop helps students improve their writing skills and will look over your project with you to offer writing advice.