The Math & Statistics Department faculty and staff are dedicated to providing excellent undergraduate and graduate programs and inspiring people of all ages to pursue math education.
We offer:
Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics
Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics and Actuarial Science
To teach at the secondary level - Bachelor of Applied Science degree offered cooperatively with the Department of Education
Graduate level - Master of Science in Mathematical Sciences
Helping You Succeed
Our undergraduates get one-on-one attention from our faculty and the added benefit of many dedicated and helpful graduate students acting as teaching assistants to help ensure student success.
Student Research
In addition to teaching, our faculty have active research programs and will partner with undergraduate and graduate students to give them the chance to conduct research, publish results and present their findings.
Outreach & Opportunity
Our community outreach efforts are also top notch.
We offer:
University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program (UMTYMP)
Weekly Colloquia
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a weekly colloquium series on Thursdays. Most colloquia begin between 3:00 and 3:30. Seminars alternate between those aimed at Undergraduate (type U) and Graduate (type G) audiences.