Student Clubs

The Clean Snowmobile Club is taking their prototype out for a test run. Club members get together year round to create a new snowmobile design that is more efficient, light and reliable for an annual competition in Michigan.

Student Clubs

Bulldog Rocketry

Bulldog Rocketry gives students a chance to explore the designing, manufacturing, and testing of high-powered rockets in order to partake in the annual Space Grant Midwest High-Power Rocket Competition held by MnSGC & NASA.

Bulldog Racing

Bulldog Racing is the University of Minnesota Duluth's chapter of Formula SAE. Our team is 100% student-led and funded by industry sponsors. Every year students design, build, test, and race a formula style race car. Bulldog Racing team members gain unique engineering and leadership experience, which is applicable across multiple engineering disciplines.

Clean Snowmobile Club

The Clean Snowmobile Challenge team obtains a new production snowmobile every couple of years and redesigns many features in order to make the snowmobile faster, lighter, more reliable, and more efficient.

Engineers Without Borders

This is a group with local and global reach. The focus is to design and complete engineering projects in order to build a better world and according to the national EWB organization we "empower communities to meet their basic human needs." On the national level, there are nearly 700 projects underway including work in 46 countries with more than 16,800 members. Plans are in the works to collaborate with another chapter to positively impact Guatemala. This club got started in the 2017-2018 school year and is primarily focused on recruiting members, raising funds and contributing to local projects.

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE is the largest professional group for women engineers (men can join too). Members are eligible for scholarships & awards. We participate in volunteer opportunities & professional development events. It's a great way to network with other engineers!

Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi was founded in 1885 to recognize outstanding students who display both distinguished scholarship in technical fields and exemplary character. Tau Beta Pi is highly regarded within industry and academia, and has grown to include 237 collegiate chapters and has initiated more than 505,422 members.