Scholarships & Awards

Departmental Scholarships

The scholarships and awards application is open. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2025. 

For more information regarding Departmental Scholarships please contact: [email protected]

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UMD Peterson Memorial Scholarship

The Peterson Memorial Scholarship is funded by an estate gift from Paula Tabler in honor of her parents, Hazel and Paul Peterson. Award winners receive a certificate; and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • UMD undergraduate student 
  • Chemistry or Biochemistry major
  • Able to demonstrate financial need through completed FAFSA

Ballou Scholarship Honoring Dr. John C. Cothran

This scholarship was established in 2007 by Dr. Nathan Ballou and his wife Elaine.  Dr. Ballou received his BS in Chemistry from the Duluth State Teachers College in 1941 and is known for his work on the Manhattan Project creating material for the atomic bomb.  Dr. Ballou was inducted into the SCSE Academy of Science and Engineering in 2007. Award winners receive a certificate and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • Chemistry or Biochemistry major
  • Current Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior
  • UMD Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

Robert Bayer Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Raymond Bayer established the Robert W. Bayer Memorial Scholarship in 1965 in honor of his twin brother, Robert, who died of a brain tumor. The Bayer brothers were graduates of the UMD Chemistry Department and became dentists. Award winners receive a certificate and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • UMD undergraduate student 
  • Chemistry or Biochemistry major
  • Current Sophomore, Junior, or Senior
  • Preference for students with a GPA of 2.0-3.0

Catherine E. Cox Scholarship for Chemistry and Biochemistry

Catherine E. Cox was one of the first four female chemistry students at UMD. Preference is given to female students planning to attend graduate school in their major or related field. Award winners receive a certificate, and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • Chemistry or Biochemistry major
  • Current Junior or Senior
  • Preference given to students with plans to attend graduate school in their major or related field

Warren F. Davis Scholarship for Excellence in Biochemistry

Warren F. Davis created this fund in 2013. It supports full-time undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota Duluth who are studying Biochemistry BS at the Swenson College of Science and Engineering. Award winners receive a certificate and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • Full-time for fall and spring semester
  • UMD undergraduate student 
  • Biochemistry major
  • Current Sophomore
  • Able to demonstrate financial need through completed FAFSA
  • Preference for students with a GPA of 3.5 or greater

James H. Maguire Award

Dr. James H. Maguire received a B.S. in Chemistry from UMD and a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina. He taught at the University of North Carolina until he died in 1989. Students apply during the spring of their sophomore or junior years for up to two years of scholarship support. Award winners receive a certificate and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • UMD undergraduate student 
  • Chemistry or Biochemistry major
  • Departmental Honors Program students in their final two years of study with preference given to students with plans to pursue post-graduate studies
  • Able to demonstrate financial need through completed FAFSA
  • GPA of 3.0 or greater

F.B. Moore Academic and Leadership Scholarship

Dr. Francis B. Moore received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Iowa State University in 1940. He joined the UMD faculty in 1952 and served as Department Head of Chemistry until his retirement in 1974. Award winners receive a certificate; and a monetary award (payable in spring).


  • Chemistry or Biochemistry major
  • Current graduating senior

Undergraduate Awards

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ACS Achievement in Organic Chemistry Award

Requirements: Outstanding senior who displays a significant aptitude for organic chemistry and encourages further interest in the field. Completion of the organic sequence is necessary. Organic chemistry instructors select top students in spring. Award winners receive a certificate and a one-year membership to the ACS Organic Division.

ACS Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry

Requirements: Outstanding undergraduate student; demonstrated excellence in inorganic chemistry at the undergraduate level based on any combination of research, coursework, and /or motivation/interest/dedication and should have future plans that include a career in chemistry. Analytical chemistry instructors select top students in spring. Award winners receive a certificate; Subscription to Analytical Chemistry.

ACS Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry

Requirements: The nominee will have demonstrated excellence in physical chemistry and related fields based on research, coursework, and/or dedication. The student should be committed to a career in chemistry, broadly defined (e.g. research, education, industry, etc). Physical chemistry instructors select the top student in spring. The award winner will receive an official certificate; Recognition on the Division's website; One-year membership in the Division of Physical Chemistry.

American Institute of Chemists Outstanding Senior

Requirements: High scholastic standing; demonstrated leadership and character; graduating senior; intent to pursue a career in the field; graduating senior; chemistry or biochemistry major. Winners will receive a certificate and Student Associate AIC membership.

Departmental Honors

Eligible applicants must have high academic achievement, a research project in chemistry or biochemistry. Qualified chemistry or biochemistry majors may apply to participate in the Honors Program after the fall semester of their sophomore year. The recipients of such honor would receive a certificate.

General Chemistry Award for Excellence

Requirements: Outstanding academic achievement in General Chemistry sequences 1153-1155 and 1173-1175 by a freshman. General chemistry instructors select top students in spring. Award winners receive a certificate and gift.

Casmir Ilenda Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research

Dr. Casmir Ilenda earned his B.S. degree in Chemistry from UMD in 1969, and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Colorado. Dr. Ilenda holds a research scientist appointment at Rohm and Haas Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Requirements: Outstanding accomplishment in undergraduate research; major in chemistry or biochemistry; excellence in oral presentation and written report; graduating senior (spring or following fall); faculty sponsorship; Registration in Chem 4184-85. Students compete for an award by submitting an Abstract, Research Content, Student Contribution, and presentation at the annual Chemistry and Biochemistry Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium. The award winners will receive both a certificate and a monetary award.

James C. Nichol Chemistry Scholarship

Merit-based scholarship awarded to students who exemplify Professor Emeritus Nichol’s dedication to academic excellence and commitment to scholarly research. The award winners will receive both a certificate and a monetary award.


  • Chemistry Major
  • Junior or Senior in fall
  • Demonstrate interest in carrying out undergraduate research in Physical Chemistry
  • Aspire to attend graduate school
  • Participated/participating in the summer undergraduate research program (SURP) in Chemistry

Lake Superior Section of ACS Outstanding Senior

Requirements: Outstanding graduating senior; chemistry or biochemistry and molecular biology major. The winners will receive a certificate; monetary award; and an invitation to ACS Lake Superior Local Section Spring Banquet & Seminar.

Outstanding Departmental Service Award

Eligible applicants must be a chemistry or biochemistry major, undergraduate or graduate senior standing (graduating in May or Dec of the year award is given), with sustained outstanding leadership and service to the department above and beyond research (e.g. outreach). Awardees selected by faculty and staff in spring and the award winners would receive a certificate.

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award

Requirements: Outstanding undergraduate teaching assistant; senior standing (graduating in May or Dec); taught at least two semesters as an undergraduate. Awardees selected by faculty in spring. The winners will receive a certificate.

Undergraduate Award for Achievement in Organic Chemistry

Requirements: Outstanding academic achievement in a two-semester organic chemistry sequence. GPA average should be at least B+ (~3.4) and a chemistry major. Organic chemistry instructors select top students in spring. Award winners receive an award letter and certificate.

Larry C. Thompson Inorganic Chemistry Award

Professor Larry C. Thompson retired from the Department of Chemistry in fall 2003, leaving a forty-three year legacy of excellence and commitment. Requirements: Outstanding achievement in Inorganic Chemistry; graduating senior; chemistry or biochemistry and molecular biology major. Inorganic chemistry instructors select top students in spring. The award winners will receive both a certificate and a monetary award.

ACS Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry Award

Requirements: Outstanding junior; demonstrated interest and excellent ability in Analytical Chemistry. Analytical chemistry instructors select a top student in spring. The award winner receives a certificate.

ACS Undergraduate Award in Environmental Chemistry

Requirements: Outstanding full-time student; completed one full year of study, emphasizing interest and excellent ability in environmental chemistry. Environmental chemistry instructors select a top student in spring. The award winner receives a certificate.

Undergraduate Biochemistry Chemistry Award

Requirements: Outstanding achievement in Biochemistry coursework and research; graduating senior; demonstrated interest and excellent ability in Biochemistry. Biochemistry instructors select a top student in spring. The award winner receives a certificate.

Graduate Student Awards

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John C. Cothran Memorial Fellowship

Eligibility: Chemistry graduate student, excellent academic & research record

Moses Passer Graduate Fellowship

Eligibility: Chemistry graduate student, excellent academic & research record

Siders Chemistry Graduate Fellowship

Eligibility: Chemistry graduate student, excellent academic & research record, Physical Chemistry focus

SCSE Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Eligibility: Outstanding second-year graduate teaching assistant in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Awardees selected by faculty in spring. Award winners receive a certificate. Recognized at the Annual GTA Fiesta

Departmental Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

Eligibility: Outstanding second-year graduate teaching assistant in Chemistry and Biochemistry. Awardees selected by faculty in spring and award winners receive a certificate 

SCSE Scholarships

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Norm and Joan Gill Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2004 by Norman Gill who graduated UMD in 1961 with a chemistry major and mathematics minor. Award winners receive a certificate and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • Entering Freshman or Sophomore
  • Chemistry or biochemistry major, preferably one who is involved in track or cross-country
  • Scholastic merit
  • Financial need, renewable for up to four years 

Ione Thompson Goodman Scholarship

Awardees selected by faculty in spring. The winners will receive a certificate and scholarship (awarded in spring for the following academic year).


  • Junior standing
  • Chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics or statistics major
  • Strong academic record
  • Financial need
  • Preference is given to female students, especially those motivated to pursue a career in higher education either in chemistry or mathematics 

Scholarships may reduce your existing financial aid award.  For more information about how scholarships affect financial aid, go to or contact One Stop Student Services.

More SCSE Scholarship Info here.