Documented Discoveries
The following species were first documented outside of cultivation of their respective states by personnel of the Olga Lakela Herbarium:
- Acer platanoides (Norway maple)
- Allium hollandicum (ormanental onion)
- Astragalus cicer (chickpea milkvetch)
- Botrychium acuminatum (pointed moonwort)
- Botrychium ascendens (upswept moonwort)
- Botrychium michiganense (Michigan moonwort)
- Botrychium pseudopinnatum (false northwestern moonwort)
- Camelina rumelica (graceful falseflax)
- Campanula cervicaria (bristly bellflower)
- Cardamine flexuosa (woodland bittercress)
- Centaurea phrygia (wig knapweed)
- Clematis terniflora (yam-leaved clematis)
- Cotoneaster acutifolius var. lucidus (hedge cotoneaster)
- Digitalis grandiflora (yellow foxglove)
- Draba verna (spring whitlow-grass)
- Echinops exaltatus (tall globe-thistle)
- Euonymus alatus (winged burning bush)
- Filago arvensis (field filago)
- Galium mollugo (white bedstraw)
- Geranium pratense (meadow cranesbill)
- Geranium robertianum (herb-Robert)
- Geranium sanguineum (bloody cranesbill)
- Hieracium caespitosum (yellow king-devil)
- Lamium maculatum (spotted dead nettle)
- Leontodon autumnalis (fall dandelion)
- Leucanthemella serotina (giant daisy)
- Lysimachia vulgaris (garden loosestrife)
- Malus baccata var. baccata (Siberian crab)
- Malva moschata (musk mallow)
- Poa bulbosa (bulbous bluegrass)
- Polygonum xbohemicum (hybrid Japanese knotweed)
- Scrophularia nodosa (figwort)
- Sedum aizoon (aizoon stonecrop)
- Sedum kamtschaticum (orange stonecrop)
- Sedum reflexum (Jenny's stonecrop)
- Sedum spurium (two-row stonecrop)
- Senecio viscosus (sticky groundsel)
- Spergularia rubra (sand spurry)
- Verbascum chaixii (nettle-leaved mullein)
- Verbena officinalis (herb of the cross)
- Veronica prostrata (prostrate speedwell)
- Botrychium pseudopinnatum (false northwestern moonwort)
- Geranium pratense (meadow cranesbill)
- Rumex stenophyllus (narrowleaf dock)
- Salsola collina (slender Russian-thistle)
- Senecio viscosus (sticky groundsel)
- Sparganium glomeratum (clustered bur-reed)
- Thermopsis rhombifolia (round-leaved thermopsis)