
Graduation Planning: Learn, Plan, Engage, and Graduate!

You have made it to 90 credits, it is time to Apply to Graduate

Graduation: Undergraduate Degree Checklist

STEP 1: Review your APAS report and check for the following completions:

  • Liberal Education requirements.

  • Ensure official transcripts have been submitted to UMD admissions with final grades from all transfer colleges.

  • All major and minor requirements should be satisfied (including double majors)

  • Overall credits (120 credits minimum) and GPA (2.0 in the major, minor and overall GPA)

STEP 2: Know Degree Application Deadlines

  • Ensure all major(s) and minor(s) are declared and viewed in APAS.

  • A student can still apply to graduate, even if an exception in APAS is in process of correction.

  • Apply no later than the deadline for each term.

STEP 3: Submit your online Application for Degree (MyU)

  • Choose the term in which all degree requirements will be completed.

  • For double majors, a submission is required for each major.

STEP 4: Verify in MyU:

  • Your name and how you would like it to appear on the diploma for printing

  • The mailing address where your diploma will be received

  • "Commence! UMD Commencement Manager" Confirm your attendance.

STEP 5: Successfully complete your courses and degree requirement in your last term.


Go to UMD ONESTOP for more Graduation related information: Graduation Fair, Graduate Follow-up survey and Alumni Associated connections.

Review Undergraduate Degree Application Frequently Asked Questions

All degree requirements should be satisfied in the term in which you have applied. If all coursework will not be complete, submit your online Request to Change Graduation Term.