Biological Limnology Laboratory

AQ400 and TD Fluorometer in lab

Nutrient Analysis

The Large Lakes Observatory at the University of Minnesota Duluth operates a Seal Analytical AQ400 discrete analyzer that can be used for a broad range of analytical chemical procedures. Nutrient analyses for most species of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, sulfates, sulfides, and color can be analyzed spectrophotometrically either manually or using a SEAL AQ400 Discrete Analyzer. We also have 2 Turner Designs Fluorometers dedicated to Chlorophyll-a and Ammonia analyses. We generally run freshwater samples but we are also capable of analyzing seawater samples, plant samples, and sediments. All analyses use HACH, Sigma, or Turner Designs Calibration Standards. All samples run on the AQ400 are run at a minimum of triplicates if provided with sufficient sample volumes.

Additional Capabilities

We have a FluoroProbe spectral fluorometer, a Walz PhytoPAM and a Water PAM that can be used in bench top mode or profiling mode to measure total chlorophyll and pigment composition to assess photosynthetic capacity of algal cultures and discrete water samples. 

View analytical service pricing or contact Sandy Brovold regarding analytical services.