Working with Students
Many of our faculty are involved in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), and some faculty can support student research through individual grants. Of course, graduate students also conduct research in partnership with our professors.
Focused Research
Our faculty members have expertise in a wide range of fields:
Algebra, Number theory and Discrete Mathematics
Graph theory, combinatorics - Bryan Freyberg
Graph theory, combinatorial design - Dalibor Froncek
Graph theory, finite group theory, combinatorics - Joseph A. Gallian
Combinatorics, number theory, graph theory - John Greene
Number theory - Kate Petersen
Number theory, combinatorics - James Sellers
Differential equations, scientific computation - Guihua Fei
Dynamical systems, computation, modeling, bioinformatics - Marshall Hampton
Optimal control theory, differential equations, approximation and parameter identification - Zhuangyi Liu
Population Dynamics - Angela Sharp
Applied Mathematics
Applied differential equations, applied dynamical systems, modeling and simulation, model parametrization, parameter identifiability - Harsh Jain
Mathematics Education
Mathematics identity and pedagogy - Carmen Latterell
Instructional technology - Chad Pierson
Probability and Statistics
Finite mixture models, classification, cluster analysis - Igor Melnykov
Applied probability, survival analysis, statistical genetics - Yongcheng Qi
Knot theory, hyperbolic geometry, isometry groups - Neil Hoffman
Knot theory - Kate Petersen
Travel Support for Graduate Student Projects
Some funds are available to partially support travel by UMD graduate students for dissemination of their scholarly or artistic contributions associated with their graduate studies at UMD. An example might be presentation of research from a thesis at a meeting or conference. It is expected the student will attempt to garner other support of their travel through their advisor, program, department and college. Visit the UMD Graduate Program site's travel award page for more information.