Degree Progress
Understanding Degree Requirements
Academic Standing
Get to know the University of Minnesota Duluth Policy on Good Academic Standing, Probation, Suspension, and Readmission.
Good Academic Standing
Students maintaining a cumulative University GPA of at least a 2.00 are considered a student in good academic standing.
Academic Warning (Hold: PW)
Students who do not achieve a term GPA of at least 2.00 are placed on academic warning. An academic warning hold is placed on the student record which requires students to meet with an advisor in the Advising and Academic Services Office to determine an appropriate course of action.
Probation (Hold: P1, P2, PL3)
Students who fail to maintain at least a 2.00 U of M GPA are considered to be on academic probation. Students on probation will have a hold on their record which requires students to meet with an advisor in the Advising and Academic Services Office to determine an appropriate course of action. If, at the end of a semester on academic probation, the grade-point average increases up to or above 2.00, the student will be returned to good academic standing and the hold will be removed. Records are reviewed at the end of each term to determine student status.
Academic Suspension
If, at the end of a semester on probation, a student fails to attain a U of M GPA of at least 2.00, that student may be academically suspended. A suspension action results in cancellation of all classes for the upcoming semester.
Readmission after Academic Suspension
Readmission into Swenson College will be reviewed once a student has been away from UMD for at least two terms since being academically suspended. All requests for readmission will consist of a Request for Re-enrollment form and Academic Petition specifying the request.
Questions regarding forms/documentation can be directed to Swenson College Advising and Academic Services Office.
Location- Montague Hall 107
Phone (218) 726-7585
Email- [email protected]