M.S. in Computer Science
The M.S. degree in Computer Science program provides a firm foundation in research and applications in Computer Science. It is a two-year full-time program, designed for students with an undergraduate degree in computer science or computer engineering.
All applicants who receive assistantship offers or offers of financial aid have until the April 15 deadline to confirm or decline the offer via https://cgsnet.org/april-15-resolution
No applications are accepted to start in spring or summer semester.
The UMD Computer Science Department accept applications for Fall Semester only.
Required Materials to Apply to the UMD Computer Science MS Program:
- Complete Contact & Biographical Information
- Undergraduate Institution Information
- Upload of unofficial transcripts
- TOEFL, IELTS Scores, or Duolingo (English Language Proficiency Requirements)
- Upload of Personal Statement
- Three letters of reference
- GRE Scores
- Writing Sample (if international student)
- GRE Scores
- Resume
- Any pertinent certificates
Graduate Program
The Master of Science in Computer Science Brochure contains detailed information about admission to the Graduate School, applying for financial aid, and requirements for the degree.
Our graduate program strives to meet the following Graduate Learning Goal Categories (GLGC):
- GLGC 1 - Knowledge and Scholarly Formation (Graduates will demonstrate knowledge and mastery of computational systems at the graduate level.)
- Outcome 1: Students will be able to accurately apply computer science theories and concepts across the areas of computational theory, systems, and applications.
- GLGC 2 - Research and Methodological Skills Relevant to Field (Graduates will be trained to conduct research in the field of computer science.)
- Outcome 2a: Students will effectively synthesize academic literature to explore research questions and design solutions.
- Outcome 2b: Students will appropriately apply research methodologies to develop and test hypotheses and/or implement solutions
- GLGC 3 - Communication Skills (Graduates will develop communication skills to facilitate professional engagement in the field of computer science.)
- Outcome 3a: Students will effectively deliver oral presentations on technical topics in computer science.
- Outcome 3b: Students will competently write about technical topics in computer science.
- GLGC 4 - Leadership and Collaborative Skills (Graduates will develop collaborative skills to enable leadership in the field of computer science.)
- Outcome 4: Students will constructively evaluate the work of their peers on technical topics in computer science.
- GLGC 5 - Cultural Competence and Global Context Formation of the Field (Graduates will deepen their understanding of the global context of the field of computer science and the role of computation in society.)
- Outcome 5a: Students will appropriately identify and evaluate ethical issues related to computation.
- Outcome 5b: Students will appropriately identify the global nature of computer science research.
Current Graduate Students & Alumni
There are currently 22 full-time graduate students pursuing the M.S. degree in Computer Science. Each student has either a graduate teaching assistantship or a research assistantship.