Faculty Directory

Byron Steinman Photo
Professor & Department Head
Dr. Erik Brown's picture
Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Education and Research
207 Research Laboratory Building (RLB) - 228 Heller Hall
Assistant Professor
Michael Braunagel
Assistant Professor
Latisha Brengman
Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
Will Daniels updated photo
Assistant Professor
Image of Dr. Fred Davis at NSLS beamline X26A
Associate Professor
Jansen Smith
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Nigel Wattrus
Associate Professor
228 Heller Hall and 203 Research Laboratory Building (RLB)

1114 Kirby Drive
Heller Hall 230
Duluth, MN 55812
United States

Jinny Alexander
Research Professional 3
M-F 8:00-12:00 pm

Erinn Rasmusson
Executive Office & Administrative Specialist
M-F 8:00-4:00 pm