
Swenson College Undergraduate Degree Programs

  • All UMD programs are found in the UMD Academics site and the UMD Catalog
  • Note: updated major and minor requirements become active each fall term
  • An *asterisk next to the title of a major or minor, indicate a program update is in process

Swenson Major / Undergraduate Degree
Description and Requirements

4-Year Sample Plan
One of several options to complete the program

Biochemistry B.S.

View sample plan(s): Biochemistry B.S.

Biochemistry B.A.

View sample plan(s): Biochemistry B.A.


Biology B.A.

Human Biology plan or Life Science plan



*View sample plan(s): 



Biology B.S.

Ecology, Evolution & Behavior plan or Genetics, Cell & Development plan



*View sample plan(s): 

Chemical Engineering B.S.Ch.E.

Chemical Engineering B.S.Ch.E Sample Plan


Chemistry B.A.

View sample plan(s): Chemistry B.A.

Chemistry B.S.

View sample plan(s): Chemistry B.S.

Civil Engineering B.S.C.E.


Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. Sample Plan

Sample Environmental/Water Resources Plan
Sample Geotechnical Plan
Sample Structural Plan
Sample Transportation Plan


Computer Science B.A.

View sample plan(s): Computer Science B.A.

Computer Science B.S.

View sample plan(s): Computer Science B.S.

Earth & Environmental Science B.A.View sample plan(s): Earth & Environmental Science B.A.
Earth & Environmental Science B.S.View sample plan(s); Earth & Environmental Science B.S.

Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E.

View sample plan(s): Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E.

Flow chart


Engineering Physics B.S.E.P.

View sample plan(s): Materials Sample Plan  or Systems Sample Plan

Industrial Engineering B.S.I.E.

View sample plan: Industrial Engineering B.S.I.E

Flow chart


Mathematics B.S.

View sample plan(s): Mathematics B.S.

Mechanical Engineering B.S.M.E.

*View sample plan: Mechanical Engineering BSME

 Flow chart


Physics B.A.

View sample plan(s): Physics B.A.



Physics B.S.

View sample plan(s): Physics B.S. Traditional plan  or  Physics B.S. Honors plan


Statistics and Actuarial Science B.S.

View sample plan(s): Statistics and Actuarial Science B.S.



Applied Physics B.S. (program discontinued Fall 2017)


Cell and Molecular Biology B.S. (program discontinued Fall 2016)


Computer Information Systems B.S. (program discontinued Fall 2017)


Environmental Science B.S. (program no longer accepting students, refer to the Earth & Environmental Science majors listed above)View sample plan(s): Environmental Sci B.S.
Geological Sciences B.A. (program no longer accepting students, refer to the Earth & Environmental Science majors listed above)View sample plan(s): Geological Sciences B.A.
Geological Sciences B.S. (program no longer accepting students, refer to the Earth & Environmental Science majors listed above)View sample plan(s): Geological Sciences BS

UMD Science and Engineering Graduate Programs