Archived Stories About LLO
- Bob Sterner, Director, discussed Lake Superior on Minnesota Public Radio's morning talk show.
- Marine Superintendent Doug Ricketts was quoted in a Northern News Now story that highlighted the R/V Blue Heron’s research.
- Professor Jay Austin was interviewed about Duluth’s place as a climate refuge on PBS North.
- The UMD News Service interviewed Associate Professor Cody Sheik about his new study on algal blooms.
- Professor Jay Austin was interviewed on Fox National News about ice on Lake Superior and by CBS News about how temperatures are changing in Lake Superior.
- The UMD News Service also interviewed Associate Professor Sam Kelly about his new project using satellites to observe water quantities and currents.
- The Duluth News Tribune took note of UMD Chancellor David McMillan’s hopes for a new facility for LLO.
- WDIO quoted Assistant Professor Craig Hill, Adjunct Faculty member of LLO, about the power in Lake Superior’s waves.
- Professor John Downing, was quoted about ice out forecasting in the Duluth News Tribune and the Echo Journal.
- Professor Jay Austin was interviewed by KSTP-TV as part of a story on long-distance swimmers in Lake Superior.
- Rosalyn Putland, Jay Austin, Craig Hill and Allen Mensinger "A song of ice and vessels: seasonal trends in the soundscape in the western arm of Lake Superior" in the Journal of Great Lakes Research
- Both WDIO and Fox 21 did stories about Science on Deck, quoting several members of LLO.
- Donn Branstrator in National Geographic about the spiny water flea
- Sergei Katsev in the Knowable magazine about Lake Kivu
- Lisa Sundberg in North Star Port
- The RV Blue Heron on WDSE - Buoy Trip with the Large Lakes Observatory
- Sterner on WTIP discussing the benefits of the world's largest lakes
- Sterner and Reinl featured in the UMN Driven to Discover story: "Beating the blue-green blues"
- LLO Alumnus in the news: April Abbott
- Jay Austin talking about Lake Superior warming in the CBC
- Kathryn Schreiner's work on microplastics in the StarTribune
- Robert Sterner interview about the LLO open house on WDIO.
- Jay Austin's recovery of the 'horizontal mooring': Duluth News Tribune
- Robert Sterner comments on Lake Superior algal blooms for the New York Times, MPR, Fox21, KBJR6, WPR, and the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
- Liz Minor talking about Microplastic Conentration in the Apostle Islands with WPR and KBJR6 News
- Robert Sterner's Local View: Duluth News Tribune "Largest lakes show yin, yang of Earth Day."
- Ozersky in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, Duluth News Tribune, Superior Telegram and on Minnesota Public Radio
- Minor in Legacy magazine
- Fakhraee and Katsev in Science Advances
- Robert Sterner talking about Lake Superior lake level on WDIO ABC
- Chris Filstrup and John Downing find that "Clear Lakes Disguise Impaired Water Quality."
- Ted Ozersky and Sergei Katsev are award an NSF grant - "Ecosystem-scale responses of coupled carbon and nutrient cycles to dramatic shifts in benthic communities: the Upper Great Lakes".
- Wisconsin Public Radio News - Researchers Study Waves Under The Waters Of Lake Superior. Sam Kelly, principal investigator for the study and an assistant professor with the Large Lakes Observatory at the University of Minnesota-Duluth.
- Byron A. Steinman, co-author: "Climate change drove population decline in New World before Europeans arrived."
- Jay Austin and Sam Kelly: Waves and Sound in Lake Superior
- Professor emeritus Robert Hecky received the Anderson-Everett award for service to the society
- Former PhD student Dan Titze received the Best Student Author award for a paper he published with his adviser Jay Austin.
- LLO is one of the participating organizations in NOAA's new "Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research"
- LLO is featured in the Spring edition of the Bridge.
- Chris Filstrup has coauthored an article published in Ecology and Evolution
- Byron Steinman has coauthored on a Nature Scientific Reports paper that came out yesterday and is getting press attention.
- Jay Austin answers in terms of ice and water for MPR News
- Jay Austin and Dan Titze article by Great Lakes Echo "Peering Beneath Great Lakes Ice"
- Steinman co-authors study linking paleoclimate to N. American population decline
- Bob Sterner interview on Fox 21 About Lake Superior Water Levels
- Bob Sterner wins ASLO's John H. Martin Award
- Ted Ozersky in the NY Times
- Jay Austin in the news
- Sam Kelly receives NSF funding
- Sam Kelly in MIT News
- Sergei Katsev in PNAS
- The Blue Heron in the news
- Sergei Katsev on Canyon Lake
- Jay Austin on MPR
- The RV Blue Heron in the Duluth Shipping News
- Johnson, Brown, Steinman, Halbur, Grosshuesch in Nature
- Local coverage of the Johnson et al. Nature paper
- Ozersky receives Sea Grant funding
- Steinman in The Environmental Monitor
- Sterner in C&E News
- The Mexidrill project going strong!
- Brown receives NSF funding for Hominin project
- Kelly in EOS cover story
- Austin in GRL
- Brown in PNAS
- Katsev in Earth magazine
- LLO Grad Student Adventure
- LLO in Yale e360
- Sellheim Foundation funds in action
- 2016 Chief Scientist Training Cruises
- Dr. John A. Downing to join LLO and serve as the next Director of the Minnesota Sea Grant Program
- The LLO in UMN Legacy Magazine
- New boat at the LLO
- Steinman awarded NSF grant for work in Central America
- Welcoming Dr. Cody Sheik to the LLO
- LLO on Minnesota Public Radio
- Dr. Robert Sterner public lecture on the "Outsized" role of large lakes
- Dr. Byron Steinman in Science
- Dr. Nigel Wattrus awarded NSF grant
- Student research opportunities
- Dr. Byron Steinman awarded NSF grant
- Dr. Sergei Katsev in Science
- Adam Sellheim Memorial Golf Tournament supports the LLO
- Chief Scientist Training Cruise
- LLO on Duluth's Fox21
- Dr. Robert Sterner radio interview
- Lisa Sundberg wins U award
- Postdoctoral Research Opportunity
- LLO and the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project
- U for Seniors and the East African Lakes
- Jason Agnich in the news
- NPR's Updraft blog and Dr. Jay Austin
- Radio SeaGrant with Dr. Elizabeth Minor
- Mark Seeley talking at UMD
- Position in Geomicrobiology
- Radio SeaGrant with Dr. Robert Sterner
- Studying Lake Superior's health
- UMNproud's NE Minnesota video
- The LLO and KBJR's 'Making a Difference'
- LLO's 20th year anniversary event
- The LLO's new Director
- Kelly awarded NSF grant
- LLO in Ensia
- Graduate Studies Opportunity at LLO
- The Toba volcano and human evolution
- LLO on NSF's Science Nation
- LLO in Nature
- The Blue Heron and the Science Museum of Minnesota