News & Events

With the conclusion of the 2023-2024 academic year, my career at the Large Lakes Observatory officially came to an end as one of the last remaining faculty from the original roster.

A research cruise on a rather larger lake: GO-SHIP A13.5

UMD's Large Lakes Observatory (LLO) is planning a day-long event open to the public, to talk about the research happening on Lake Superior and the scientific work being done to deepen our understan

As I put the final touches on my dissertation, I reflect on the amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, experiences, and gratifying collaborations and friendships I found as a graduate student at

It was hard to ignore the effects of climate change this 2023 holiday season when the usual magical whiteness was replaced by a green-brown landscape and ice was replaced by open water on lakes and

As the sun begins to peek through the fog, I lean over the side of the boat and dip a bottle into the cold water.

The primary drivers of the physics of lakes - the circulation, thermal structure, waves, and turbulent mixing - are the overlying meteorological conditions.

UMD Associate Professor Ted Ozersky is the principal investigator on a newly funded project titled "Collaborative Research: Advancing a comprehensive model of year

Freshwater will air this spring on TPT - Twin Cities PBS (Date TBD)