Scholarships & Awards


Every year, the Chemical Engineering Department awards several scholarships. Number and amount of each award may vary each year based on availability of funds.

Review the Swenson College of Science and Engineering Scholarships & Awards page for more information and links to scholarship applications.

Chemical Engineering Scholarships

Sam and Ardis Beard Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Beard established this endowed scholarship with the hope that promising students will be motivated by this scholarship to seek a career in Chemical or Nuclear Engineering.

UMD AIChE Scholarship

Established by the Upper Midwest Section Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, this fund provides scholarships to juniors or seniors at the University of Minnesota Duluth who are studying chemical engineering, particularly those who are active members of the student chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

Baria Memorial Scholarship

Established to honor Professor Dorab Baria who was the founding Department Head of Chemical Engineering, this scholarship is awarded to student who demonstrate a high level of professional and ethical behavior.

Chemical Engineering and Alumni Scholarships

Thanks to generous support from alumni, faculty and friends the department is able to provide scholarship support to full-time chemical engineering students. The number and amount of scholarships are based on annual gifts to this fund.

External Scholarship Resources

Many students receive scholarships from outside sources. Questions regarding these scholarships should be directed to the organization offering the scholarship. Please visit the One Stop Scholarship Page for more outside scholarship opportunities. Students should verify the legitimacy of scholarships prior to applying. Below are links for outside scholarships that we are familiar with that are available to chemical engineering students.

Society of Women Engineers

Minnesota Power

MN High Tech Foundation (MHTF)

Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship

ACEC (American Council of Engineering Companies of Minnesota)

Blandin Scholarship

Minnesota Space Grant Scholarship