Undergraduate Program


Undergraduate Degree We Offer

Chemical Engineering B.S.Ch.E.

Students may choose to pursue a minor or certificate in the following areas. They are all free-standing and applicable to Chemical Engineering students.

Biochemical Engineering Minor 

Environmental Engineering Minor

Materials Science and Engineering Minor

Energy Engineering Minor

Business Administration Minor

Project Management Certificate 

For a complete listing of Chemical Engineering Courses - visit the Public Course Catalog. Enter "Duluth" in the Institution and Campus fields and enter "CHE" for Subject Area, then click "Search".

Getting Started

If your goal is to receive a degree of Bachelors of Science in Chemical Engineering, we will do our best to help you achieve this goal. 

Each student is assigned a chemical engineering faculty member to meet with them at least once each term before registering for classes the following term. This faculty advisor is available to answer questions relating to the chemical engineering program at UMD, course registration, careers and life-long-learning.

Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor often to ensure they are on track as they progress through the required courses for graduation. Advisors have up-to-date information on class schedules, internships, co-op and research opportunities available through the department.

Faculty advisors post their office hours and meeting sign-up sheets each semester before registration. Stop by and sign-up, or contact your advisor to schedule an appointment. If you are not sure who your advisor is, contact the Chemical Engineering office at 218-726-7126 or [email protected] or Swenson College's Advising and Academic Services in Montague Hall 107.