Internships & Jobs

Internships for Credit

Computer Science internships are work experiences in which currently enrolled students work for companies willing to supervise an educational experience that is of mutual benefit to the student and the company. Although a computer science internship is not a requirement for graduation, we encourage our majors in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems to complete an internship as part of their undergraduate education.

An internship provides students with valuable experience about the working world and enables them to learn about employment opportunities that await them upon graduation. Students who have successfully completed CS 2511, Software Analysis and Design, are eminently qualified to contribute positively to a company during an internship. Internships sometimes result in offers of permanent employment.

  • Internships should apply directly to careers in computer science. They should be positions that are related to:
  • Programming
  • System analysis or design
  • Software engineering
  • Software testing
  • Database management
  • Web application development
  • Network administration
  • Any other area with significant computer science content.

Routine jobs such as data entry clerk or computer operator are not acceptable as internship positions.

Computer science internships are usually paid positions that vary between $10-20 per hour.

Internships often occur over the summer, when students are not enrolled in classes. However, if an internship is with a local company it can occur any time. Here are more details on how to get academic credit for an internship.

Job Opportunities

If you are a typical graduate from UMD's Dept. of Computer Science, you will:

Tons of Campus Resources

Students should use GoldPASS as their primary resource for job and internships listings. It allows employers to search for applicants and resumes while also connecting students with companies of interest.

UMD's Career & Internship Services offers a lot of great resources including interview and resume help. The following are just a few that may come in handy:

  • Graduate Follow-up Report - This document lists provides statistics about employment and internships based on data collected from alumni and students. It also lists where students found jobs and internships. 

  • GoldPASS Information

Other Internship & Job Resources