Connect with your peers
The UMD Sustainability Living & Learning Community brings together first-year students that care about Sustainability to live together in a traditional residence hall community, take classes together, and participate in sustainability-related programming and community outreach activities.
Who can be a part of the Sustainability Living & Learning Community?
Any incoming first-year student from across campus with an interest in sustainability can apply to join!
What can you do as part of the Sustainability LLC?
- Move into your new space a day early and enjoy getting to know your new neighbors
- Live in a community with other first-year students who value sustainability and sustainable living
- Connect with student clubs focused on sustainable agriculture, green energy, outdoor recreation, and more
- Volunteer with community organizations and learn about sustainable food systems
- Interact with faculty to learn more about sustainability-related majors on campus
- Take classes together that fulfill requirements for sustainability and other liberal education credits
- Develop friendships that can last a lifetime
Course Requirements:
In fall 2024, you will be taking:
- UST 1000: Learning in Community: 1 credit
Facilitates the successful transition into college learning and student life at UMD. - ES 2005: Environment and Sustainability: 3 credits
Fulfills the Liberal Education requirements of Social Sciences & Sustainability
In spring 2025, you will be taking one or two 3-credit courses:
- GEOG 1205: Our Globalizing World: 3 credits
Fulfills the Liberal Education requirements of Social Sciences & Global Perspectives - PHIL 1003: Ethics and Society: 3 credits
Fulfills the Liberal Education requirements of Cultural Diversity in the US & Humanities
How do you join?
If you are interested in joining the Sustainability LLC, please check the box on the UMD housing application. You can find out more about this and other LLCs via the Housing & Residence Life website.
There is no additional cost to participate in the Sustainability LLC.
Space is limited so submit your application early to improve your chances of participating.