LLO Science on Deck

Blue Heron

Science on Deck

Every summer, the Large Lakes Observatory hosts Science On Deck events, offering free public tours and presentations on the research vessel (R/V) Blue Heron. The Blue Heron is part of the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), and is chartered by research scientists to explore the Great Lakes. 

Upcoming 2024 event dates:
  • 6/21/24: Dr. Elizabeth Minor on microplastics in Lake Superior
  • 7/26/24: Dr. Jessica Sieber on food and microbial physiology @ FinnFest
  • 7/31/24: Freshwater Discovery Day,  public tours from 2-4pm*
  • EVENT CANCELLED - 9/27/24: Dr. Craig Hill on waves and marine renewable energy

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., presentations at 1:30 p.m.    *unless otherwise noted

Location: Pier B Resort, 800 W Railroad St, Duluth MN

Tours are free and open to the public, no registration required.  

Science On Deck Details:

During Science On Deck, we tie up at Pier B in Duluth's harbor and extend the gangway so the public can come aboard. Tours are provided by scientists, crew, and students to provide an overview of the R/V Blue Heron's layout and research capabilities. A variety of scientists prepare and present results of large lakes studies under a canopy on deck at each event, too. Each scientist will answer questions on a related topic and share photos, graphs, equipment and samples. These tours have been offered throughout the sailing season since the spring of 2013.

If you have a group interested in participating in Science On Deck, please contact Lisa Sundberg at [email protected] to let us know more details.

We can make accommodations for large groups and design extra activities if we know of your arrival in advance.