Ecology, Organismal & Population (EOP) Biology Faculty

Active Faculty

Gerald Ankley: Biological efects of chemical contaminants in environment

Valerie Brady: Invertebrate ecology, wetland ecology

Donn Branstrator: Plankton biology and limnology

Mark Clark: Population biology

Timothy Craig: Plant-insect interactions, speciation, co-evolution

Julie Etterson: Plant evolution in response to anthropogenic change

Matthew Etterson: Population ecology, avian demographic modeling and risk assessment, life-history evolution

Alexis Grinde: Avian and wildlife ecology, habitat management and conservation. 

Briana Gross: Origin and evolution of wild, weedy, and domesticated plants

Amanda Grusz: Botany, systematics, genomics, and evolution

Dustin Haines: Plant, invasion, and restoration ecology

Joel Hoffman: Fish ecology, coastal processes

Tom Hrabik: Aquatic ecology, fisheries, hydroacoustics

Michael Joyce: Ecology, conservation, and management of wildlife with an emphasis on carnivores

Allen Mensinger: Neural mechanism of behavior

Ron Moen: Habitat and space use by herbivores and carnivores

David Mount: Contaminant effects in water and sediment

Ted Ozersky: Limnology, aquatic ecology, nutrient and energy dynamics

Charlotte Roy: Population ecology, avian ecology, wildlife conservation and management

Greg Sass: Fisheries ecology and management

Jessica Savage: Plant physiology, physiological ecology and plant-environment interactions

Patrick Schoff: Ecological stressors, developmental ecotoxicology

Clara Shaw: Ecology and evolution of viral host jumps in a Caenorhabditis model system

Cody Sheik: Geomicrobiology andmicrobial ecology of large lakes, glaciated ecosystems and deep-ocean hydrothermal vents

Jared Strasburg: Speciation and adaptation, genetic and genomic bases of species differences and species boundaries

Emeritus/Retired Faculty

Randall Hicks (emeritus): Ecology and molecular biology of aquatic microorganisms

Lucinda Johnson: Aquatic ecology, landscape ecology, environmental indicators

Gerald Niemi (emeritus): Ornithology and natural resource development issues

John Pastor (emeritus): Ecosystems ecology and mathematical biology

Robert Sterner (emeritus): Ecological stoichiometry, biological limnology and carbon: nutrient biogeochemistry