Steve Berry: Metalloprotein engineering, metal binding site design
Luke Busta: chemistry and genomics of plants
Robert Carlson (emeritus): Synthesis of chemicals compounds of pharmaceutical importance
Alessandro Cembran: Computational modeling of protein function
Lester Drewes: Cerebral vascular biology
Anne Hinderliter: Membrane-localized phenomena
Joseph Johnson: Characterization of protein-protein interactions
Nam Chul Kim: Age-related neuromuscular degeneration such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontotemporal dementia and multisystem proteinopathy with Drosophila models and mammalian cell culture
Carlie LaLone: Evaluate protein sequence and structural conservation for cross species extrapolation of chemical effects
Venkatram Mereddy: Discovery of new synthetic methods and reagents
Jon Rumbley: Protein folding, protein thermodynamics
Guy Sander: Metabolic engineering of plant systems; fungal enzyme degradation of lignocellulose; micropollutant fate of wastewater treatment
Erin Sheets: Immunoglobulin E (IgE) receptor signaling
Eric Singsaas: Plant physiology and biochemistry, biorefinery technology and natural materials development
Viktor Zhdankin: Synthetic organic chemistry