Director of the IBS Graduate Studies Dr. Jennifer Liang confers a Master's degree to Fatima Alwan.
Fast Facts
As of Fall 2022:
- 198 students have entered the IBS Program since Fall 2006 (172 M.S., 26 Ph.D.)
- The IBS program typically admits 10-15 M.S. students and 1-3 Ph.D. students each year.
- Average undergraduate GPA for Ph.D. students: 3.72
- Average undergraduate GPA for M.S. students: 3.45
- 157 M.S. & 21 Ph.D. degrees conferred (students graduate monthly)
- Average years to completion: 2.5 years for MS degree; 4.6 years for a Ph.D. degree
- 95% of M.S. graduates are employed or seeking further education in a field related to their degree
- 45 active students: 12 doctoral, 33 masters
- IBS students have authored more than 60 peer-reviewed publications since 2008, in addition to more than 50 non-peer-reviewed publications
- Approximately 60 active faculty representing:
- Swenson College of Science & Engineering (Duluth)
- School of Medicine (Duluth and Twin Cities)
- College of Pharmacy (Duluth)
- Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI - Duluth)
- College of Science & Engineering (Twin Cities)
- EPA Mid-Continent Ecology Division (Duluth)
- IBS Graduate Faculty are PI or CoPI on active grants totaling more than $60 million
- One full-time Graduate Program Coordinator and an annual operating budget of approximately $225,000