- B.S., 1980, Kansas State University
- M.S. 1984, Northern Arizona University
- Ph.D. 1987, Northern Arizona University
Speciation, Plant-Insect-Parasitoid Interactions, Population Dynamics, Insect Behavior
Recent Publications
Craig, T. P. 2014. “Ecological Speciation" in Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology, in press
Hafdahl, C. E. and T. P. Craig. 2014. Flowering phenology in Solidago altissima; adaptive strategies against temporal variation in temperature. Journal of Plant Interactions 9(1) 122-127. DOI:10.1080/17429145.2013.777478
Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami, M. D. Dixon, and T. R. Hams. 2012. Indirect evolutionary interactions in a multitrophic interaction. Trait-mediated Indirect Interactions: Ecological and Evolutionary Perspectives. Pages 244-256 in T. Ohgushi, O. Schmitz, and R. D. Holt eds. Cambridge University Press.
Utsumi, S., Y. Ando, T. P. Craig, and T. Ohgushi. 2011. Plant genotypic diversity increases population size of an herbivorous insect. Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B. 278:3108-3115.
Craig, T. P., T. Ohgushi, J. K. Itami, Y. Ando, and S. Utsumi. 2011. Bridges and barriers to herbivory resulting from host plant genotypic variation. Journal of Plant Interactions 6:141-146.
Ohgushi, T., Y. Ando, S. Utsumi, and T. P. Craig. 2011. Indirect interaction webs on tall goldenrod: community consequences of herbivore-induced phenotypes and genetic variation in plants. Journal of Plant Interactions 6:147-150.
Ando, Y. S. Utsumi, T. P. Craig, J.K. Itami and T. Ohgushi. 2011. How are arthropod communities organized on an introduced plant Solidago altissima? Journal of Plant Interactions 6:169-171.
Ikemoto, M., T. Ohgushi, and T. P. Craig. 2011 Space-dependent effects of floral abundance on flower visitors. Journal of Plant Interactions 6:177-179.
Craig, T. P. and J. K. Itami. 2011. Divergence of Eurosta solidaginis in response to host plant variation and natural enemies. Evolution: 65(3):802-817.
Craig, T. P. 2010. The resource regulation hypothesis and positive feedback loops in plant-herbivore interactions. Population Ecology 54:461-473.
BIOL 3994 Undergraduate Research
BIOL 4731 Entomology
BIOL 4801 Evolution
BIOL 4891 Animal Behavior
BIOL 5401 Co-evolution
IBS 8012 Integrated Evolutionary Processes
Current Graduate Students
Lilhac Medina, (Ph.D., Integrated Biolsciences)
Previous Graduate Student Projects
Claire Hafdahl, Floral traits and pollination of Solidago altissima: mechanisms of local adaptation among and within biomes, MS 2013, Thesis
Annelie Linberg-Livingston, A Geographic Mosaic of Speciation, MS, 2012, Thesis
Kevin Anderson, The role of variation in plant genotypes in determining the reproductive isolation of host races of Eurosta solidaginis
Terry Hams, Avian predator selection on goldenrod galls containing Mordellistena convicta
Michael Dixon, Tumbling flower beetles far from home: Does a cascade of parapatric divergence reach the third trophic level?
Rachel Makarrall, Creating useful tools for learning insect anatomy and function
Ruben Marchosky, Gall-size dependent survival for Asphondylia atriplicis on salt bush Atriplex canescens
BURST Projects
Biology Undergraduate Research in Science and Technology
Maxwell Helmberger, Affects of Solidago altissima drought stress on Lacebug Corythucha marmorata oviposition and nymph survival, 2014
UROP Projects
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Maxwell Helmberger, Island biogeography of soil arthropods in a Northern Minnesota peatland, 2014
Paula Miller, Factors affecting pollinator success on Solidago altissima, 2013 and 2014
David Johnston, Observing color change in a laboratory setting by the goldenrod crab spider (Misumena vatia), 2013
Brianna Loeks, Variation in cytotypes among host plant Solidago altissima in relation to herbivore preference, 2013
Wil Licht, The natural history of a change in katydid reproduction behavior, 2011 and The evolutionary significance of a change in Oecanthinae spp. reproduction behavior, 2012
Emily Kalkbrenner, Ecological speciation of the Eurosta solidaginis population on Solidago gigantea, 2012
Matthew Noll, The evolution of geographic variation in gall morphology of Eurosta solidaginis, 2010
Nathan Zarnstrof, Geographic variation in host specialization in an aphid, 2011 and Alternative behavioral strategies in the parasitoid, Eurytoma gigantea, 2012
Lee Stokes, Relative fitness of hybrids and pure populations of the geographic host races of Eurosta solidaginis, 2009
Chidinma Odoemenem, Indirect effects of herbivores on pollinators in prairie and forest plants, 2006
Aklesh Katel, Effect of parasitic wasps in the gall-inducing fly Eurosta solidaginis in the Prairie vs Forest, 2006
Edward Barron Jr., Assortative mating of goldenrod gall flies, Eurosta solidaginis, 2006
Olufemi (Gabriel) Ekisola, Testing the differences between wing patterns of forest and prairie sub-species of the host race species of Eurosta solidaginis on S. altissima, 2005
Jeff Richardson, Selection by birds on gall morphology of Eurosta solidaginis, 2005
Clint Peacock, Comparison of natural enemies communities of the host races of Eurosta solidaginis on Solidago altissima and S. gigantea, 2004
Michael J. Fudala, Global comparison of insect communities on Solidago altissima, 2004
Michael Eskelson, Geographical variation in wing patterns on a latitudinal gradient from North Dakota to Michigan, prairie vs forest biome comparison, 2003
Jessica Strange, An analysis of variation in plant architecture and insect community in tall goldenrod (Solidago altissima) in Eastern Minnesota, 2003
Kevin Johnson, Variation in host plant ploidy levels in a gall-forming fly, 2002
Jeremy Marincel, Selective pressure on gall size by bird predation, 2002
Catrina Whitehead, Wing morphology as a basis for measuring reproductive isolation among populations of Eurosta solidaginis, 2002
Jeremy Marincel, Oviposition preference and offspring performance in a bruchid beetle, 2000
Married to Joanne Itami since 1984
Children: Linda and Paul
Hobbies: Running; hiking; Nordic skiing; canoeing; history