Professional Title
Associate Professor
- University of Waterloo, PhD
- University of Waterloo, BSc
Website: http://biolimno.weebly.com/
Effects of environmental change on nutrient dynamics, food webs and community structure in large lakes.
Winter and under-ice ecology of large lakes.
Food web structure and contaminant trophodynamics.
- Camilleri AC, Ozersky T. 2019. Large variation in periphyton δ13C and δ15N values in the upper Great Lakes: correlates and implications. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45: 986-990.
- Williamson F, Ozersky T. 2019. Lake characteristics, population properties and invasion history determine impact of invasive bivalves on lake nutrient dynamics. Ecosystems 22: 1721–1735.
- Ozersky T, Volkova EA, Bondarenko NA, Timoshkin OA, Malnik VV, Domysheva VM, Hampton SE. 2018. Nutrient limitation of benthic algae in Lake Baikal, Russia. Freshwater Science 37: 472-482.
- Hampton SE, McGowan S, Ozersky T, Virdis SG, Vu TT, Spanbauer TL, Kraemer BM, Swann G, Mackay AW, Powers SM, Meyer MF, Labou SG, O'Reilly CM, DiCarlo M, Galloway AW, Fritz SC. 2018. Recent ecological change in ancient lakes. Limnology and Oceanography 63: 2277-2304.
- Poste AE, Pastukhov MV, Braaten HFV, Ozersky T, Moore MV. 2018. Past and present mercury accumulation in the Lake Baikal seal: temporal trends, effects of life history, and toxicological implications. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 1476-1486.
- Ozersky T, Pastukhov MV, Poste AE, Deng XY, Moore MV. 2017. Long-term and ontogenetic patterns of heavy metal contamination in Lake Baikal seals (Pusa sibirica). Environmental Science & Technology 51: 10316-10325.
- Hampton SE, Galloway AW, Powers SM. Ozersky T, Woo KH, Batt RD & 56 others. 2017. Ecology under lake ice. Ecology Letters 20: 89-111.
- Hampton S E, Moore MV, Ozersky T, Stanley EH, Polashenski CM, Galloway AW. 2015. Heating up a cold subject: prospects for under-ice plankton research in lakes. Journal of Plankton Research 37: 277-284.
- Ozersky T, Evans DO, Ginn BK. 2015. Invasive mussels modify the cycling, storage and distribution of nutrients and carbon in a large lake. Freshwater Biology 60: 827-843.
- Katz SL, Izmest'eva LR, Hampton SE, Ozersky T, Shchapov K, Moore MV, Shimaraeva SV. Silow EA. 2015. The “Melosira years” of Lake Baikal: Winter environmental conditions at ice onset predict under-ice algal blooms in spring. Limnology and Oceanography 60: 1950–1964.
Current Graduate Student Projects
- Audrey Huff, (M.S., Integrated Biosciences)
- Elizabeth McKay, (M.S., Integrated Biosciences)
- Krill Shchapov, (Ph.D., WRS)
- John Zalusky, (M.S., Integrated Biosciences)