- Ph.D., 2013, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- B.S., 1993, Northwest Missouri State University
Research/Teaching focus
My research primarily focuses on understanding change in plant communities due to anthropogenic actions and natural forces, viewed chiefly through the lenses of ecology and evolution. In particular, I have studied vegetation change in estuarine wetland and upland communities, unintentional selection on restoration plant materials, the mechanisms driving invasive plant dominance and the effects of these plants on the communities they invade, and plant-soil feedbacks. I address these subjects using field, greenhouse and lab experiments, including vegetation surveys, seed bank assays, and in vitro and molecular analyses. I have worked in a wide range of habitats, including Great Lakes estuaries, oilfields and badlands of the northern Great Plains, hot deserts of the southwest, and forests of New England.
Courses Taught
- BIOL 1001 Biology & Society
- BIOL 2801 Ecology
- BIOL 3401 Evolution
- BIOL 3987 Communication in Biology
Recent Publications
- Haines, D.F., J.A. Aylward, S.D. Frey, and K.A. Stinson. 2018. Regional patterns of floristic diversity and composition in forests invaded by garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata). Northeastern Naturalist 25(3): 399-417.
- Savage, J.A., M.J. Clearwater, D.F. Haines, T. Klein, M. Mencuccini, S. Sevanto, R. Turgeon and C. Zhang. 2016. Allocation, stress tolerance and carbon transport in plants: How does phloem physiology affect plant ecology? Plant, Cell and Environment 39(4): 709-725.
- Savage, J.A., D.F. Haines, and N.M. Holbrook. 2015. The making of giant pumpkins: How selective breeding changed the phloem of Cucurbita maxima from source to sink. Plant, Cell and Environment 38(8): 1543-1554.
- Haines, D.F., D.L. Larson, and J.L. Larson. 2013. Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) affects vegetation more than seed banks in mixed-grass prairies of the northern Great Plains, USA. Invasive Plant Science and Management 6(3): 416–432.