Latest Image
Images are captured from 30 minutes before sunset to 30 minutes after sunrise. To update the image, you will need to refresh the page every minute or so. If the image is not updating, the camera may be down. Given its remote location, we cannot always troubleshoot immediately. You should look through our image and video archives linked below!
Latest Timelapse Video
Timelapse videos are compiled after each observing session and uploaded the next day. (Note: Safari users may experience trouble with video playback. You can either use a different browser or go to the video archive linked below to view the latest video.)
Previous Nights ImagesTimelapse Videos
About the AllSky Camera
The AllSky Camera is a collaboration between the Marshall W. Alworth Planetarium, the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Gunflint Trail Historical Society, and Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center.
The AllSky Camera is located on the roof of the Chik-Wauk Museum and Nature Center museum building located near the end of the Gunflint Trail. This site has remarkably dark skies which leads to amazing night sky viewing. Its northern latitude also means higher chances of seeing aurora.
Camera Specs
Alcor OMEA 3C AllSky camera system which uses a ZWO ASI178MC camera with AllSkEye camera software