Internal Rates
For external rates, please contact the RIL manager.
The instruments listed below are associated with UMD's Cost Center and a user fee applies. Below are the internal rates for UMD customers (including UMD students, faculty/staff).
Staff Assistance
For sample preparation, instrument set-up, sample analysis and report generation by the RIL manager.
- Internal users: $44.00/hour
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- Internal users: $40/hour
- Basic SEM User Training: $168/person for 2 hours. (Any additional training will be $88/hour)
Denton Vacuum Gold Coater
- Internal users: $12.50/batch
- Instrument Training: $45.50/session (up to 2 new users can be trained at a time)
LADD Carbon Coater
- Internal user fee: $12.50/batch
- Instrument training $78.50 (Up to 2 new users can be trained at a time)
Powder X-ray Diffractometer (XRD)
- Internal users: $14/hour
- Basic XRD User Training: $116/person
Single crystal X-ray Diffractometer (Rigaku XRD)
- Internal users: No hourly fee
- Contact the instrument manager for the terms of use and instrument training.
X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Rigaku Nex CG)
- Internal users: No hourly fee
- Contact the instrument manager for the terms of use and instrument training.
Ion Chromatogram (IC)
- Internal users: No hourly fee
- Contact the instrument manager for the terms of use and instrument training.
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
- Internal users: No hourly fee for academic use (without involving business entities). Note that the user's PI/department will be asked to contribute to the costshare of future repairs.
- Business-related use including consulting work by UMD researchers: External rate applies. Contact the instrument manager ([email protected]).
- Internal users: No hourly fee for academic use. Note that the user's PI/department will be asked to contribute to the costshare of future repairs.
Critical Point Dryer
- Internal user fee: No hourly fee as long as trained users operate the equipment and RIL's SEM is used for imaging.
- Basic user training $44/person.
- Critical point dryer assistance by the RIL manager $44/batch (Possible to prepare multiple samples per batch.)
For the external rates (non-UMD customers), please contact the RIL manager ([email protected]).