Transportation Engineering
- Ph.D. Transportation, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 1990
- M.S. Civil Engineering (Transportation), University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 1986
- B.S. Civil Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea, 1978
Academic & Professional Experience:
- Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth (2006-present)
- Director, Northland Advanced Transportation Systems Laboratory, University of Minnesota Duluth (2006-2013)
- Traffic Research Director, Minnesota Department of Transportation (2001-2003. 2004-2006)
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Minnesota State University, Mankato (2003-2004)
- Advanced Traffic Systems Director, Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (1991-2001)
- Post Doctoral Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (1990-1991)
- Assistant Director, Ministry of Transportation, Seoul, Republic of Korea (1980-1984)
- Assistant Director, Ministry of Science and Technology, Seoul, Republic of Korea (1979-1980)
Research Interests:
- Modeling/simulation of traffic flow/driver behavior responding to various geometric/traffic/control environment, in particular, flow-diversion at work zones.
- Travel-time Reliability and Operational-Resilience of traffic corridors under abnormal traffic conditions.
- Adaptive strategies for freeway ramp control and arterial intersection management.
- Advanced sensing technologies for traffic flows.
- Managing complex research programs and institutions.
Courses Taught:
- CE 3316 Transportation Engineering
- CE 3215/5315 Design of Traffic Systems
- CE 4326/5326 Highway Planning and Design
Select Publications:
Kwon, E., Park, C., Sankarasetty, A.*, Ayinala, K.*, & Song, S. “An Intelligent Travel-Time Reliability Estimation Module”. IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine/IEEE Consumer Electronics Society (Accepted), 2019
Kwon, E., Park, C., Sankarasetty, A.*, Ayinala, K.*, & song, S. “Estimating the Effects of Operational Strategies on Travel-Time Reliability for Smart Mobility”. IEEE Int'l Smart Cities Conference Proceedings (ISC2), Kansas City, MO, September 2018
Kwon, E. Park, C., Lund, S., Peters, T., "Estimation of Normal Condition Recovery Time with Traffic Flow Data for Snow Events, International Symposium on Enhancing Highway Performance, Transportation Research Board, National Science Academy, Berlin, Germany. (June 14, 2016).
Kwon, E., Park C., Lund, S. Peters, “Estimation of Normal Condition Regain Time during Snow Events using Traffic Flow Data”, Proceedings, 2016 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January, 2016
Ibrahima, U., Hayee, M, Kwon, E., Donath, M., “Development of a Freeway Queue Detection and Warning System using Ad-hoc Control and DSRC based V2V Communication”, Recent Advances in Communications and Networking Technology, 2015, Vol 4.
Jeon, S., Jung, I. and Kwon, E., “Vehicle Detection System on Multiple Drive Lanes with Ultrasonic Sensors in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proceedings, 2015 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January, 2015.
Kwon, E., Park, C. Hong, S., Lund, S. and Peters, T., “Estimation of Normal Condition Recovery Time with Traffic Flow Data for Efficient Winter Snow Maintenance Operations”, Presented at 2015 AASHTO/TRB Conference on Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations, Des Moines, IA, June 2015.
Jeon, S., Kwon, E., and Jung, I., “Traffic measurement on multiple drive lanes with wireless ultrasonic sensors”, Sensors 2014, 14:22891-906. DOI: 10.3390/s141222891, Switzerland, 2014.
U. Ibrahim, M.I. Hayee, and Eil Kwon; "DSRC Based Hybrid Work Zone Information System with Portable Changeable Message Signs", Transportation Research Record 2380, Journal of Transportation Research Board, National Academy of Science, pp. 29-35, 2013.
Han, B., Zhang, K., Burnham T., Kwon, E., Xun, Y. "Integration and Road Tests of a Self-Sensing Concrete Pavement System for Traffic Detection", Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 22, 015020 (8 pp), 2013.
Kim, S., Park, C. and Kwon, E., “Estimation of Speed Recovery Time with Traffic Data for Winter Snow Management Operations”, Compendium of Papers, 2012 Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January, 2012
Maitipe, B., Ibrahim, U., Hayee, I. and Kwon, E., “DSRC-Based V2V-Assisted V2I Work Zone Traffic Information System”, Transportation Research Record 2324, National Academy of Science, pp. 125 - 132, 2012
Han, B., Zhang, K., Yu, X., Kwon, E., and Ou, J., "Electrical Characteristics and Pressure-Sensitive Response Measurements of Carboxyl MWNT/Cement Composites", Cement and Concrete Composites, vol. 34, pp.794-800, 2012.
Han, B., Zhang, K., Yu, X., Kwon, E., and Ou, J., "Fabrication of Piezoresistive CNT/CNF Cementitious Composites with Superplasticizer as Dispersant", ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 24, pp. 658-665, 2012
Han, B., Yu, X., Kwon, E, and Ou, J., "Effects of CNT Concentration Level and Water/Cement Ratio on the Piezoresistivity of CNT/Cement Composites", Journal of Composite Materials, vol. 46, pp. 19-25, 2012.
Kwon, E., Park, C., Lau, D. and Kary, B., “Development and Field Assessment of Variable Advisory Speed Limit System”, Scientific Paper, 2011 ITS World Congress, Orlando, October, 2011
Kwon, E., Park, C., Lau, D. and Kary, B., “Minnesota Variable Advisory Speed Limit System”, Compendium of Papers, 2011 Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January, 2011
Maitipe, B., Hayee, I. and Kwon, E., “Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Traffic Information system for the Work Zone Based on Dedicated Short-Range Communication”, Transportation Research Record 2243, National Academy of Science, pp. 67-73, 2011
Dinh, H., Tang, H. and Kwon, E., “Collection and Analysis of Gaps in Roundabouts”, Compendium of papers, 2011 Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January, 2011
Han, B., Zhang, K., Yu, X., Kwon, E., and Ou, J., "Nickel Particle based Self-Sensing Pavement for Vehicle Detection", Measurement, vol. 44, pp. 1645-1650, 2011
Han, B., Yu, X., Kwon, E., and Ou, J., “Sensing properties of CNT filled cement-based stress sensors”, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, vol. 1, pp. 17-24, 2011
Kwon, E., Song, S. Seo, D., Jung, I., “On-Line Traffic Condition and Information Analysis System for Wireless V2I Communication”. Proceedings, IEEE Conference on Ubiquitos Future Networks, Korea, June 2010.
D. Zhou, M. Dillion and E. Kwon, “Tracking-Based Deer Vehicle Collision Detection Using Thermal Imaging, Presented at the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO 2009), Guilin, Guangxi, China, December 18-22, 2009.
B. Han, X. Yu, and E. Kwon, "Self-sensing CNT/cement Composite for Traffic Monitoring", Nanotechnology, vol. 20, 445501 (5pp), 2009.
Kwon, E., Johnson, C., Moe, C. and Lodahl, S., “A Dynamic Management Process for Innovative Research Products at State DOTs”, Compendium of Papers, 2009 Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2009
Yu, X. and Kwon, E., “Carbon-Nanotube/Cement Composite with Piezoresistive Property”, Compendium of technical papers, 2009 Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2009
Kwon, E. , Brannan, D., Shouman, K., Isackson, C., and Arseneau, B. “Development and Field Evaluation of a Variable Advisory Speed Limit System for Work Zones”, Transportation Research Record 2015, National Academy of Science, pp. 12-18, Washington, D.C., 2007
Kwon, E., “Development of a Practical On-line Coordinated Variable Speed Advisory System for Work Zones”, Presented at the 2007 ITS World Congress, Beijing, China, October 2007.
Kwon, E. and Pitt, S. “Evaluation of Emergency Evacuation Strategies for Downtown Event Traffic using a Dynamic Network Model”, Transportation Research Record 1922, National Academy of Science, pp. 149-155, Washington, D.C., 2005.
Kwon, E., Ambadipudi, R. and Bieniek, J. “Adaptive Coordination of Ramp Meter and Intersection Signal for Balanced Management of a Freeway Corridor”, Compendium of Papers, 2005 Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2005.
Kwon, E., Kim, S. and Betts, R. “Route-based Dynamic Preemption Of Traffic Signals For Emergency Vehicles”, Compendium of Papers, 2003 Transportation Research Board Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2003.
Kwon, T., Dhruv, N., Patwardhan, S. and Kwon, E. “CDF Archival Of Large-Scaled ITS Data For Efficient Archival, Retrieval And Portability”, Transportation Research Record 1836, National Academy of Science, pp. 111-117, Washington, D.C., 2003
Kwon, E., Kim, S. and Kwon, T. “Pseudo Real-Time Evaluation Of Adaptive Traffic Control Strategies Using Hardware-In-Loop Simulation”, Proceedings, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 27th Annual Conference, pp. 1910-1914, IECON 2001, Denver, Colorado, November 2001
Masoud, O., Papanikolopoulos, N. and Kwon, E. “Use of Computer Vision in Monitoring Weaving Sections,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol 2, no. 1, pp 18-25, March 2001
Kwon, E., Nanduri, S., Lau, R. and Aswegan, J., “Comparative Analysis Of Operational Algorithms For Coordinated Ramp Metering”, Transportation Research Record, 1748, National Academy of Science, pp. 144-152, Washington, D.C., 2001
Kwon, E. and Nanduri, S., “Zone-wide Adaptive Metering with Fuzzy Coordination”, Compendium of Papers, 2001 Annual TRB Meeting, National Academic Science , Washington, D.C., January 2001
Kwon, E., Lau, R. and Aswegan, J., “On-line Estimation of Maximum Possible Weaving Volume for Effective Operations of Ramp-Weave Areas”, Transportation Research Record, 1727, National Academy of Science, pp. 132-141, Washington D.C., 2000
Kwon, E., Kelen, C., Ran, B. and He, R. “Hierarchical Evaluation Of HOT Lane Operations Using Dynamic Network Models”, Compendium of papers, 2000 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2000
Kwon, E., Kota, R. and Michalopoulos, P. “Macroscopic Approach For Evaluating Diamond HOV Lane Operations”, Compendium of papers, 2000 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2000.
Kwon, E., Choi, B. and Park, H., “Distributed Simulation of Freeway Traffic Flows Using Personal Computers,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 15, pp. 167-175, 2000
Masoud, O., Papanikolopoulos, N. and Kwon, E. “Vision-based Monitoring of Weaving Sections”, Proceedings IEEE/IEEJ/JSAI Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Tokyo, Japan, October 5-8, 1999
Kwon, E., Choi, B. and Park, H. “A Personal Computer-Based Parallel Simulation System For On-Line Assessment Of Freeway Operational Strategies”, Compendium of Papers, 1998 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 1998
Kwon, E., and Stephanedes, Y., “Development of An Adaptive Control Strategy In A Live Intersection Laboratory”, Transportation Research Record 1634, National Academy of Science, pp. 123-129, Washington, D.C., 1998
Kwon, E. and Kelen, C., “Drivers’ Perception Survey For Toll Lane And Carpool”, Compendium of Technical Papers for the 68th ITE Annual Meeting and TRB HOV Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 1998
Kwon, E., Liu, X and Stephanedes, Y. “An Intelligent Intersection Environment For Field Evaluation Of Advanced Traffic Management Strategies”, Compendium of Technical Papers for the 66th ITE Annual Meeting, September 1996
Kwon, E. and Stephanedes, Y.J. "Comparative Evaluation Of Adaptive And Neural-Network Exit Demand Prediction For Freeway Control", Transportation Research Record 1446, National Academy of Science, pp. 66-76, Washington, D.C., 1994
Stephanedes, Y. J. and Kwon, E. "On-line Demand-Diversion Prediction For Integrated Control Of Freeway Corridors", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 1C, No. 1, pp. 23-42, Elsevier, 1993
Stephanedes, Y. J., Kwon, E. and Chang, K. "Control-Emulation Method For Evaluating And Improving Traffic-Responsive Ramp Metering Strategies", Transportation Research Record 1360, National Academy of Science, pp. 42-45, Washington D.C., 1992
Kwon, E. "A New Approach For Real-Time Prediction Of Traffic Demand-Diversion In Freeway Corridors", Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation Engineering, ASCE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 1991
Michalopoulos, P. G., Kwon, E. and Kang, J. "Enhancements and Field Testing Of A Dynamic Freeway Simulation Program", Transportation Research Record 1320, National Academy of Science, pp. 203-215, Washington D.C., 1991
Stephanedes, Y. J., Kwon, E. and Michalopoulos, P. G. "On-line Diversion Prediction For Dynamic Control And Vehicle Guidance In Freeway Corridors", Transportation Research Record, 1287, National Academy of Science, pp. 11-19, Washington D.C., 1990
Stephanedes, Y. J., Kwon, E., Tzafestas, S. G. and Botsaris, C. "Optimal Control of Non-Linear Dynamic Transportation Systems", Proceedings, 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, December 1990
Stephanedes, Y. J., Kwon, E. and Michalopoulos, P. G. "Demand Diversion For Vehicle Guidance, Simulation And Control In Freeway Corridors", Transportation Research Record, 1220, National Academy of Science, pp. 12-20, Washington D.C., 1989
Stephanedes, Y. J. and Kwon, E. "Optimization Strategies For Transit Systems In Urban Corridors", Transportation Research Record, 1165, National Academy of Science, pp. 75-85, Washington D.C., 1988
Kwon, E. and Stephanedes, Y. J. "Incremental Optimization Design Of Transit Service", ASCE, Journal of Transportation, pp. 437-449, July 1987