Environmental Engineering
- Ph.D. Civil (Environmental) Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- M.S. Environmental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University
- B.S. Environmental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University
Academic & Professional Experience:
- Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth (2015-present)
- Senior Research Program Manager, Natural Resources Research Institute (2015-present)
- Faculty, Water Resources Science Graduate Program, University of Minnesota (2015-present)
- Research Assistant Professor, BioTechnology Institute, University of Minnesota (2014-2015)
- Teaching Specialist, Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities (2011-2013)
Research Interests:
I am an environmental engineer who is interested in studying the impacts of human activities on natural water system. Our lab aims to understand chemical and microbial contaminants in natural (e.g. lakes, streams, and estuary) and engineered (e.g. sewer system, treatment facility and stormwater systems) and develop improved treatment technologies and mitigation strategies.
Courses Taught:
- CE 3025 - Environmental Engineering
- CE 5241 - Water Chemistry
- CE 4246/5246 - Environmental Remediation Technologies
UMD YouTube Videos of Dr. Chun’s Students:
- Tyler Untiedt's story, Where What Meets Why was featured at the front page of UMD along with our microbial ecology research in St. Louis River estuary and wild rice wetland.
- Daniel C. Takaki is a finalist for the prestigious John A. Knauss Policy Fellowship from the National Sea Grant College Program. Here are his story and the announcement.
- Adelle Schumann’s story: Manager, scientist & future grad student
Select Publications & Products:
Full publication list also available on Google Scholar
Voelz, J., N. W. Johnson, C.L. Chun, W. A. Arnold, and R. L. Penn 2019 Quantitative Dissolution of Environmentally-Accessible Iron Residing in Iron-Rich Minerals: A Review ACS Earth and Space Chemistry
Mathai, P.P., H. M. Dunn, P. Magnone, C. M. Brown, C. L. Chun, and M. J. Sadowsky 2018 Spatial and temporal characterization of epiphytic microbial communities associated with Eurasian watermilfoil: a highly invasive macrophyte in North America FEMS Microbiology Ecology 94(12):fiy178
Burghardt, L.T., Guhlin, J., Chun, C.L., Liu, J., Sadowsky, M.J., Stupar, R.M., Young, N.D. and Tiffin, P., 2017. Transcriptomic basis of genome by genome variation in a legume‐rhizobia mutualism . Molecular Ecology 26(21):6122-6135
Brown, C.M., Staley, C., Wang, P., Dalzell, B., Chun, C.L. and Sadowsky, M.J., 2017. A high-throughput DNA-sequencing approach for determining sources of fecal bacteria in a Lake Superior estuary Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15), pp.8263-8271
Staley, C., Kaiser, T., Gidley, M.L., Enochs, I.C., Jones, P.R., Goodwin, K.D., Sinigalliano, C.D., Sadowsky, M.J. and Chun, C.L., 2017.Differential impacts of land-based sources of pollution on the microbiota of Southeast Florida coral reefs . Applied and environmental microbiology, 83(10):.e03378-16.
Nelson, M.S., Chun, C.L. and Sadowsky, M.J., 2017. Type IV Effector Proteins Involved in the Medicago-Sinorhizobium Symbiosis Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 30(1):28-34
Chun, C.L., Peller, J.R., Shively, D., Byappanahalli, M.N., Whitman, R.L., Staley, C., Zhang, Q., Ishii, S. and Sadowsky, M.J., 2017. Virulence and biodegradation potential of dynamic microbial communities associated with decaying Cladophora in Great Lakes Science of the Total Environment, 574:872-880.
Chun, C.L., R.B. Payne, K. R. Sowers, H. D. May 2013.Electrical stimulation of microbial PCB degradation in sediment Water Research 47:141-152