Environmental Engineering
- Research Gate:
- Google Scholar: Adrian Hanson University of Minnesota Duluth
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- Ph.D. Sanitary Engineering, Iowa State University (1989)
- M.S. Civil and Environ. Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1981)
- B.E. Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota-Minneapolis(1979)
- BS Mathematics, Minnesota State University-Mankato
Academic & Professional Experience:
- Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth (2013-2022)
- Professor, New Mexico State University (1989-2013)
- Project Engineer, Bolton and Menk (1980-1984)
Licensure & Certifications:
- Civil Engineering 1984 Minnesota #16540 and 1999 New Mexico #14300
- AAEES Board Certified Environmental Engineer October 15, 2009
- Chair of the FE Exam (3 years)
- Chair of the Environmental Module (2 years)
- Item Writer (22 years)
ABET Program Evaluator
- Civil (ASCE)
- Environmental (AAEES)
Research Interests:
Collaborating with Bolton and Menk/BARR Engineering assessing the cost of using RO/evaporative concentration/crystalization for the removal of sulfate from municipal wastewater for protection of sensitive ecosystems in Northern Minnesota. Collaborating with Dr. Meijun Cai developing treatment technology for removal of sulfate from municipal wastewater using a modified barium sulfate process identified as potentially promising in the Bolton and Menk/Barr work. Collaborating with Dr. Nathan Johnson on assessment of tertiary solids removal technologies for mercury removal from treated municipal wastewaters. Investigating both success of technologies and the secondary problems associated with adding the technologies to an existing treatment plant. Collaborating with Dr. Chan Lan Chun on identification of antibiotic resistant organism distribution in the wastewater treatment collection system with a particular focus on hospitals. Long term interest in small flows water and wastewater treatment issues. Particular interest in passive and low technology treatment systems (pond systems, constructed wetlands systems, septic tank and drainfield systems, high performance onsite wastewater treatment systems. Have performed extensive work on removal of As from drinking water using technologies appropriate for small communities in rural settings.
Courses Previously Taught:
- CE 1025 Introduction to Civil Engineering
- CE 3025 Environmental Engineering
- CE 3225 Hydraulics & Hydrology
- CE 4215 Hydraulic Design
- CE 4228 Watershed Engineering
- CE 4256 Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment
- CE 4257 Municipal Solid Waste Management
- CE 4246/5246 Environmental Remediation
Select Publications & Products:
MA Macias-Corral, ZA Samani, AT Hanson, PA Funk, Co-digestion of agricultural and municipal waste to produce energy and soil amendment, Waste Management & Research, 0734242X17715097, July, 2017
Que, S., C. Papelis, A. Hanson, L. Wang, E. Livingston, Modeling the Efficiency of the Iron Coprecipitation-Filtration Process for the Removal of Arsenate at Low Initial Concentrations, ASCE, Journal of Environmental Engineering 142 (10), 04016047, April 2016
Samani, Z., M. Macias-Corral, A. T. Hanson, Methane Generation from Waste Materials, Patent Application 11/373,739, Filing Date 03/09/06, Patent Publication Date 03/23/10, US Patent # 7,682,813, report publication July 2014.
Richardson, E., A. Hanson, Modeling of Ozonation Process in Wastewater Treatment Plants for Reduction of Waste Activated Sludge, Ozonation: Science and Engineering, Vol 36, Issue 5, pp 451-464, September 3, 2014.
Aldo R. Pinon-Villarreal, A. Salim Bawazir, Mano J. Shukla, Adrian T. Hanson, Retention and Transport of Nitrate and Ammonium in Loamy Sand Amended with Clinoptilite Zeolite, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Vol. 139, Issue 9, September, 2013.
Hanson, A., B. Lesikar, L. Demouche, A. Dreager, On-site Wastewater Management: A Manual for Tribes, Circular 667, 80 pages, NMSU University Communications, Cooperative Extension Services, Las Cruces NM, February, 2013.
Que, S, L Papelis, and A. T. Hanson, Predicting Arsenate Adsorption on Iron Coated Sand Based on Surface Complexation Modeling" ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, JEENG 139, pp 368-374, March 2013.
Que, S., C. Papelis, and A. Hanson, Arsenate Removal Using Iron Coated Absorbents; a design tool based on Surface Complexation Modeling, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-28933-0, 48 pages, 2012.
E. Egemen Richardson, A. Hanson, J. Hernandez, Ozonation Of Continuous-Flow Activated Sludge For Reduction of Waste Solids, Ozone: Science and Engineering, published by Taylor & Francis, Volume 31, Number 3, May 2009, pp 247-256 (10).
M. Macias-Corral, Z. Samani, A. T. Hanson, G. Smith, P. Funk, Hui Yu, J. Longworth, Anaerobic Digestion of Municipal Solid Waste and Agricultural Waste and the effect of co-digestion with screened dairy cow manure, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 99, No. 17, pp. 8288-8293, November, 2008.
Professional Associations:
- American Water Works Association (Life Member)
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- Water Environment Federation
- American Society for Engineering Educators
- American Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists