Three of these students were graduate students, Taylor Abrahamson is a masters student in the Integrated Bio Sciences program, Emma Fitzgibbons and Mady Larson are masters students in the Chemistry & Biochemistry program. The other two were undergraduate students, Nicole Groth from the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department and Biology Department, and Nicole Babineau from the Chemical Engineering department. They traveled to the annual meeting of the Phytochemical Society of North America in East Lansing, MI at Michigan State University.
All five students presented posters and one student, Nicole Babineau, won an award for the best poster presentation. According to Busta, multiple senior society members commented on the students' good work and the conference organizer gave the Busta Lab a shout out during their closing remarks, encouraging others to 'rent a van and bring students to the conference'.
Overall, the students agreed the conference was a great experience, opening their eyes to opportunities for future careers.