University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program

Imagine finishing high school and already being half way to a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. That kind of experience makes students irresistible to universities and is available to students in the Twin Ports area thanks to a program we offer.

The University of Minnesota Talented Youth Mathematics Program or UMTYMP (pronounced “um-tee-ump") is an accelerated program for students beginning in 5-7th grade who are highly talented in mathematics. Although there are many math programs throughout the country, UMTYMP is unique in terms of the number of students, length of the program, scope of the curriculum, and the granting of college credit to students in middle and high school. The Program is administered through the School of Mathematics Center for Educational Programs on the Twin Cities campus of the University of Minnesota. 

Looking for Special Skills

We are looking for relational and quantitative thinking skills, so the fifth grader that has not had an algebra class in school may still qualify for this program.

Another benefit is that students join a social network where they can embrace their mathematical abilities at a young age and feel comfortable with their academic peers.

Classes on Campus

The UMTYMP classes meet at UMD once a week after school from 4:30-6:30 during the school year for a two-hour class twice per week.

Students who stay in the program finish their four years of high school math in two years and then begin college level Single Variable Calculus. The program coordinates with local schools to ensure the students have time in their regular school day to work on UMTYMP homework.

Who can participate in UMTYMP?

Students currently in 5-7th grade who wish to join the program must take the UMTYMP Qualifying exam. The entrance exams are offered on the UMD campus in the spring. A prep workshop is also offered to help students do their best on the exam.