Round-the-Clock Watch

UMD AFROTC to honor veterans with vigil.

Dedicated Bulldogs are bundling up and posting watch. This Monday, November 12, 2018 from 12:01 a.m. - 11:59 p.m., UMD’s Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) is posting watch in observance of Veteran’s Day.

Two at a time, the cadets will be stationed at the flagpole outside the front entrance of the Darland Administration Building, 1049 University Drive. Their shifts range from 30 minutes to an hour in temperatures forecasted to hover just below freezing.

The 24-hour watch tradition began in 1992, when UMD’s AFROTC cadets joined local veterans at the Veterans’ Memorial on the Lakewalk.

The AFROTC program was established in 1949 to train students to become Air Force officers. An aerospace studies minor is available through UMD’s Swenson College of Science and Engineering.

Veterans Day is always on November 11. When November 11 is a Sunday, as it is this year, it’s designated as a federal holiday on Monday, November 12.