Provider Networks in the Health Insurance Marketplace

Adequacy of Provider Networks in the Health Insurance Marketplace 


Geospatial Analysis Center (GAC) received funding from an EVCAA Research and Scholarship Grant, UMD, $3,000 (2016) for a project entitled Adequacy of Provider Networks in the Health Insurance Marketplace. Stacey Stark and Steve Graham, both with GAC, oversaw the project.

GAC worked with the Department of Economics in the Labovitz School of Business and Economics to consider Minnesota's health insurance provider plans and their networks of service locations with respect to the Affordable Care Act's requirement of accessibility. In Minnesota this means the lesser of 30 minutes or miles for primary care, mental health and hospital care; and the lesser of 60 minutes or miles for specialty, specialized hospital, and other services. GAC developed models to analyze and assess the population and areas of the state that are covered for each of these networks.

Learn more about the Geospatial Analysis Center.