New Members of the Order

Swenson students join the Order of the Engineer.


One quick way to identify an engineer is to look for a stainless steel band on one of their pinky fingers. The ring is a sign that someone has taken a special oath and joined the Order of the Engineer. On May 6, 2016, 94 Swenson College of Science and Engineering students and one faculty member took part in a ceremony welcoming them to the Order. A big crowd of UMD faculty, staff and students as well as the participants’ family and friends gathered in the Marshall Performing Arts Center to mark the occasion.

Swenson College Dean Joshua Hamilton was there to congratulate each participant. There were 37 students participating from the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department, ten from Civil Engineering, 16 from Electrical Engineering and 32 from Chemical Engineering.

To see more photos from the ceremony, visit our Flickr page.