Professor Zhuangyi Liu receives 2018 Graduate Advising Award

Professor Zhuangyi Liu was honored with the 2018 UMD-wide Outstanding Graduate Faculty Advisor Award.  This award each year honors one UMD faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in graduate advising.  Prof. Liu, a department member since 1989, has established himself as one of our most prominent researchers, and he has been generous in passing along his experience and expertise to his students. He was the primary research advisor for 30 UMD master’s students, many who have had highly successful careers in industry and academia after they graduated from UMD.

 Prof. Liu has been an invited speaker at academic conferences all over the world, and has been hosted as a distinguished visiting scholar at universities in Europe, Asia, North America, South America and Africa. He has served on the examining committee of eight PhD students from five countries.

At UMD, Prof. Liu developed three new mathematics courses (Linear Programming, Calculus of Variations, and Functional Analysis), and has taught many others.  He served as the Director of Graduate studies for six years and as Department Head for seven years.

Recent graduate Jiaxing Wang wrote a nomination letter, three former graduate advisees provided letters of support, and four additional former students emailed statements of support. Thanks to all who contributed to Prof. Liu receiving this well-deserved honor.