Space available for a new instrument

Relocation of LC-QTOF to the new CAMS building created a vacant space in the RIL for a new instrument to come.

Due to relocation of LC-QTOF to the new CAMS building, RIL has a space available for another shared instrument.  Please contact us if you have a good proposal.  Thank you.
Description of the lab space:
- floor footprint: approximately 3 ft x 12 ft
- negative pressure ventilation tube
- 20A 250V wall outlet and regular 120V outlets nearby
- a sturdy table
- an overhead cabinet to place supplies
- a small benchtop space for sample preparation
- Prox FOB/card entry to the lab
Requirement for the new instrument:
- can be shared by any eligible UMD researcher who wishes to use the instrument
- there is a clear mechanism of instrument sharing
- it does not cause significant vibration
- it does not generate significant heat