Informal mentoring & other resources


Formal mentoring programs pair mentors and mentees and has explicit goals, an expected meeting timeline, and target outcomes.

Structured mentoring programs are valuable because they have been shown to facilitate positive career outcomes, such increased research productivity and reduced time to promotion, as well as better subjective outcomes such as enhanced career satisfaction, career commitment, and job satisfaction. 


Informal mentoring relationships evolve more spontaneously and are typically based on professional or person affinities.

These relationships are also extremely valuable because they can fill mentoring gaps either related to professional scholarship or personal support and are especially valuable for issues surrounding gender, race, or ethnicity.

Junior faculty are especially encouraged to seek out peer-to-peer mentoring that circumvents the inherent senior-junior power dynamic of formal mentor teams. All faculty are encouraged to think carefully about their mentoring network and to use both formats to their greatest advantage.

Swenson College of Science and Engineering

University of Minnesota Duluth

Twin Ports

UM System
