Available Awards and Scholarships

Available Awards and Scholarships


Awards are chosen though faculty nominations and do not require applications.

Outstanding Freshman Biology Award

The Outstanding Freshman Biology Award recognizes the student who has excelled in the introductory biology courses (General Biology I and II). The award is given on the basis of total points accumulated in lecture and lab, as well as recommendations from graduate teaching assistants. The graduate teaching assistants base their recommendations on the students' enthusiasm for biology, their understanding of concepts, and leadership in the classroom. The award recipient is awarded a monetary gift. The objective of this award is to recognize biologists early in their college careers.

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

The Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award is presented to the top graduate teaching assistants and are chosen by faculty members using established criteria. Recipients receive a monetary award.

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award

The Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award is presented to the top undergraduate teaching assistant and is chosen by faculty members using established criteria. Recipients receive a plaque and a monetary award.

T. O. Odlaug Award

Since 1979, Department of Biology faculty have nominated a senior biology student who displays scholarship, strong leadership qualities, service to the department, and participation in undergraduate research. The T. O. Odlaug Award was created in honor of Dr. Theron O. Odlaug, a former department head who retired in 1978. Dr. Odlaug passed away in January 2000. The recipient of this award is given a reference book of their choice.

Award for Excellence in Academics and Research

The Department of Biology Award for Excellence in Academics and Research is given to a student who has contributed substantially to biological research at UMD while maintaining a high G.P.A. of at least 3.5. This is an award for an advanced student who has completed (or is in progress of completing) three of the four core courses in their program: Genetics, Cell, Ecology, or Evolution if the student is a Biology major or Genetics, Cell, Evolution, or Microbiology if the student is a Cell and Molecular Biology major.


The following scholarships require an application for eligibility.

A. Jane Berry Warren Scholarship

Dr. Warren and his wife, A. Jane Berry Warren, met during a church youth winter sleigh ride in Duluth four years and eight months before they married after his graduation from UMD. She finished her degree at the University of Minnesota graduating Magna Cum Laude. Being two years younger, she attended UMD her first two years before moving to Minneapolis with her husband. She finished her degree at the University of Minnesota graduating Magna Cum Laude. She was also installed in the honorary scholastic society of Phi Beta Kappa. She provided great support to her husband during his long years of study and frequent absences while on military duty. When their five children were older, she returned to school to earn her MSW degree. She became a dedicated social worker in the field of mental disabilities. She and Dr. Warren were married 56 years before her death in 2005 from an autoimmune disorder. The A. Jane Berry Warren Scholarship was established to provide payments to full-time undergraduate students in the Department of Biology who have financial need.


  • Biology B.A. or B.S. major
  • Personal statement
  • Financial need (completed FAFSA)
Karim Pre-Veterinary Medicine Scholarship

The Karim Pre-Veterinary Medicine Scholarship is sponsored by Dr. Reza-ul (Raj) Karim and family in memory of his father, Sikander M. Karim.  Candidates should demonstrate maturity and reliability though work experience, leadership skills, extracurricular activities, and community involvement.


  • Biology B.A or B.S. major
  • Sophomore or junior standing
  • minimum G.P.A. of 3.4
  • a one page essay addressing their personal qualifications and characteristics that make them ideal candidates.

Ernest and Tyyne Niemi Scholarship

The Ernest and Tyyne Niemi Scholarship is dedicated toward the support of undergraduate students who are declared majors in Biology or Cell and Molecular Biology and are at the junior or senior level. Preference is given to students with the following: Finnish heritage and/or high school graduates of Aitkin, Barnum, Carlton, Cloquet, Cromwell-Wright, Duluth, Esko, McGregor, Moose Lake, or other area schools. 


  • Biology B.A or B.S. major
  • Junior or senior standing
  • Minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
  • completed completed the prerequisites for an undergraduate degree in Biology or Cell and Molecular Biology (General Biology I and II, mathematics through calculus, organic chemistry, and physics)
  • submit a one-page statement of career interest

T. O. Odlaug Scholarship

The major source of funds for the T. O. Odlaug Scholarship came from a student who on Dr. Odlaug's death remembered the inspiration and help that he had received from Dr. Odlaug. Dr. Odlaug was a founding member of the Department of Biology at UMD and for several years served as a faculty member and department head.


  • Biology B.A or B.S. major
  • Minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
  • Financial need (completed FAFSA)

Ed and Alma Turcotte Scholarship

The Ed and Alma Turcotte Scholarship recognizes Edgar (Ed) L. Turcotte and Alma M. Mattson who grew up on adjoining farms near Wrenshall, Minnesota in the early 1900'2. They were married in 1928 and lived in Carlton, Minnesota. Their three sons and two daughters all attended UMD. Alma passed away in 1988 followed by Ed in 1992. This scholarship is dedicated to their memory with profound respect and everlasting love. Recipients are high-achieving, motivated Biology and Cell and Molecular Biology majors with demonstrated need.


  • Biology B.A or B.S. major
  • Financial need (completed FAFSA)
  • Minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
  • Eligible for Minnesota resident tuition
Mowbray Scholarship

The Mowbray Scholarship is given by Dr. Thomas Mowbray in honor of his parents, Donald C. and Dorothy A. Mowbray, who were constant sources of inspiration and encouragement to him during his pursuit of a career in biology. The purpose of this scholarship is to provide scholarship support for undergraduate students in the Department of Biology at UMD and is granted on the basis of merit and commitment to a professional career in the biological sciences.


  • Biology or Cell & Molecular Biology major
  • Restricted to students who intend to pursue a career in biology exclusive to the medical and health sciences
  • Personal statement including career goals

John McCabe Scholarship

The John McCabe Scholarship is awarded annually to Biology and Cell and Molecular Biology majors with high academic achievement and demonstrated financial need. 


  • Biology B.A. or B.S. major
  • Financial need (completed FAFSA)
  • Minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
UMD Helen Hanten Memorial Scholarship

The UMD Helen Hanten Memorial Scholarship has been established in the Department of Biology to honor the legacy of Helen Hanten. This award is given to a female undergraduate student majoring in biology with financial need and high academic merit who is interested in pursuing a career in the biological sciences or medicine (not academia). This scholarship will be annually funded with a gift from a donor and a match from their company.


  • Biology B.A or B.S. major
  • Financial need (completed FAFSA)
  • minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
  • Expressed interest in pursuing a career in the biological sciences or medicine
UMD Peterson Memorial Scholarship

The UMD Peterson Memorial Scholarship is given through the Swenson College of Science and Engineering and rotates between SCSE departments; therefore, it is not awarded every year in the Department of Biology. This award is given to motivated and high achieving students in the Department of Biology with demonstrated financial need. 


  • Biology B.A or B.S. major
  • Financial need (completed FAFSA)
  • minimum G.P.A. of 3.0
UMD Natural History Scholarship

To support full-time students who demonstrate a strong intention of pursuing a career in the field of natural history.

  • Full-time, UMD undergraduate enrolled in Swenson College of Science & Engineering
  • Academic merit demonstrated with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Strong career interest in natural history